Welcome to my Bedroom Closet (Laurel Anne Hill) : A Handful of Band-Aids by Laurel Anne Hill

The official readings and musings of Laurel Anne Hill (author and former underground storage tank operator), as recorded in her wonderfully-cluttered bedroom closet. Visit her website at http://www.laurelannehill.com.

The Podcasts

A Handful of Band-Aids by Laurel Anne Hill

Welcome to my bedroom closet!

In 2004, KQED-FM (NPR, San Francisco) broadcast "A Handful of Band-Aids," my perspective on the plight of homeless families in Contra Costa County, California.  I had written "A Handful of Band-Aids" in the latter part of 2003.  Today I'm posting a slightly longer version of the piece used by KQED-FM.  In this podcast, I also include information about the Winter Nights Rotating Family Shelter, a worthy nonprofit organization operating in Contra Costa County.  Winter Nights is a project of the Social Justice Alliance of the Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County.

Needless to say, I'm a supporter of Winter Nights.  In fact, I used the debut of my science fiction/fantasy novel, "Heroes Arise," to raise funds for the Winter Nights Family Shelter.

For more information about the Winter Nights Shelter program, go to http://cccwinternights.org.

For more information about me or my novel, "Heroes Arise," please visit my website at http://www.laurelannehill.com.

Warm wishes,

Laurel Anne Hill (Author of "Heroes Arise") 

Direct download: HandfulOfBandAidsFinal.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:22am EDT